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Te Tiriti o Waitangi: upholding its principles and contributing to our bicultural society

Limited Evidence Emerging Developing Accelerating Proficient
I don’t know much about Te Tiriti o Waitangi. I’m starting to understand Te Tiriti and its principles. I am learning about the partnership between Māori and Pākehā in our country. I’m getting better at upholding the principles of Te Tiriti, and I understand why it is important to help strengthen the partnership between Māori and Pākehā in our country. I take personal responsibility for following Te Tiriti’s principles and helping to build our bicultural community. I routinely uphold Te Tiriti’s principles and contribute to our bicultural and multicultural community.
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Reflection & Goal Setting Template

Evidence/Links to my work:

Looking at my evidence against the competency, I am currently working at (choose your level):

Limited Evidence

To get to the next level, I need to work on:


Te Reo me ōna Tikanga: learning, protecting, and sharing this treasure from the ancestors

Limited Evidence Emerging Developing Accelerating Proficient
I don’t use Te Reo much beyond basic greetings and group karakia. I’m learning some Te Reo words and waiata and can introduce myself in Māori, saying my pepeha. I’m gaining confidence in using Te Reo and am learning words and sentence structures to read and write basic ideas. I can participate in haka, waiata, and traditional moteatea. I’m good at using Te Reo to communicate. I know some common sayings and I can understand the differences between dialects. I participate confidently in haka, waiata and moteatea. I can use Te Reo confidently in various situations and understand different dialects. I know common sayings and traditional stories. I participate confidently in haka, waiata and moteatea and can take a leading role where appropriate.
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Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here

Reflection & Goal Setting Template

Evidence/Links to my work:

Looking at my evidence against the competency, I am currently working at (choose your level):

Limited Evidence

To get to the next level, I need to work on:


Wairuatanga: understanding and respecting different beliefs, spirituality, and customs



Limited Evidence Emerging Developing Accelerating Proficient
I don’t think about spirituality in my life or learning. I’m starting to understand spirituality and respect it in different situations. I understand the importance of spirituality and show it in my behaviour. I deeply understand and participate in or show respect for spiritual customs in various situations. I maintain a deep understanding and respect for spirituality and different beliefs.
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Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here

Reflection & Goal Setting Template

Evidence/Links to my work:

Looking at my evidence against the competency, I am currently working at (choose your level):

Limited Evidence

To get to the next level, I need to work on:


Rangatiratanga: showing responsibility, honesty, and bringing people together

Limited Evidence Emerging Developing Accelerating Proficient
I don’t like being a leader even when people encourage me. I’m okay with taking on small leadership roles when asked. I can step up and take on leadership responsibilities in some situations. I often show leadership and support others in achieving our goals. I lead by example and inspire others to work together.
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Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here

Reflection & Goal Setting Template

Evidence/Links to my work:

Looking at my evidence against the competency, I am currently working at (choose your level):

Limited Evidence

To get to the next level, I need to work on:


Ūkaipōtanga: connection to land and special places, understanding identity


Limited Evidence Emerging Developing Accelerating Proficient
Sometimes I don’t feel very connected to the land and special places and need help understanding my identity. I’m starting to feel a sense of belonging and value in my identity and I’m making an effort to connect with the land and special places. I’m confident in my identity and work to make others feel valued and connected to the land and special places. I’m secure in my identity and help others feel valued and connected. I’m strong in my identity and make sacrifices for the common good.
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Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here

Reflection & Goal Setting Template

Evidence/Links to my work:

Looking at my evidence against the competency, I am currently working at (choose your level):

Limited Evidence

To get to the next level, I need to work on:


Whakapapa: knowing our family history, connections, and places of origin



Limited Evidence Emerging Developing Accelerating Proficient
I need help connecting with my family history and understanding my place in it. I’m learning about my family history, my pepeha and how I’m connected to others in the past. I’m good at telling my family story and explaining how I’m connected to others. I can confidently share my family history and connections with others. I’m an expert in my family history and can connect with others through the generations.
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Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here

Reflection & Goal Setting Template

Evidence/Links to my work:

Looking at my evidence against the competency, I am currently working at (choose your level):

Limited Evidence

To get to the next level, I need to work on:


Whanaungatanga: building strong relationships and connecting with others


Limited Evidence Emerging Developing Accelerating Proficient
I usually like to work alone and focus on my own goals. I’m starting to make friends and help with group activities. I’m getting good at working with others and know how to help the group. I often work with others and encourage us to reach our goals together. I’m confident in my unique contribution to the group and maintain strong relationships with everyone.
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Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here

Reflection & Goal Setting Template

Evidence/Links to my work:

Looking at my evidence against the competency, I am currently working at (choose your level):

Limited Evidence

To get to the next level, I need to work on:


Kaitiakitanga: taking care of people and the environment; using resources wisely


Limited Evidence Emerging Developing Accelerating Proficient
Sometimes I don’t think about how my actions affect others and need help taking care of the environment. I’m starting to realise how my actions can impact others and the environment. I’m getting better at taking care of myself, others, and the environment. I often take the lead in caring for others and the environment. I’m a leader in taking care of people and the environment, and I know how to make a positive impact.
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Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here

Reflection & Goal Setting Template

Evidence/Links to my work:

Looking at my evidence against the competency, I am currently working at (choose your level):

Limited Evidence

To get to the next level, I need to work on:


Pūkengatanga: being curious, excellent; learning and sharing new things


Limited Evidence Emerging Developing Accelerating Proficient
I’m still learning to be curious and need a lot of help to explore new ideas. I’m starting to learn new things and share them with others. I’m good at connecting ideas and love learning new things. I often explore new ideas and share what I’ve learned with others. I’m great at learning and sharing new things, and I can think critically about them.
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Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here

Reflection & Goal Setting Template

Evidence/Links to my work:

Looking at my evidence against the competency, I am currently working at (choose your level):

Limited Evidence

To get to the next level, I need to work on: